Thursday, April 4, 2013

Coyote Totem - Quick Reference

General symbolism of the Coyote: Skill-Instinct-Ingenuity-Enthusiasm-Transformation-Inventiveness-Intelligence-Playfulness-Resourcefulness-Cleverness-Trickster-Elusive-Animal Spirit 

Coyote is a clown in the natural world, and in many Native American tribes he is known as that of trickster, shapeshifter, transformer. Navajo never kill Coyote because it accompanied the first man and woman into the entrance of the first physical world. Another legend depicts the Coyote as a bringer of life and a new birth symbol. Shoshoni believed the Coyote would bring natural shifts in balance, causing an end. It is like a "way-maker" of new direction as it went about its symbolic role of representing the cycle of life/death in nature. 

(Condensed highlights from volumes of info about animal totem characteristics. Hope you'll investigate further on your own)

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aqua Aura Meaning - Quick Reference

Aqua Aura

Element: Water

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye

Energies: Power, Healing, Love, Protection, Angelic Realm 

Aqua Aura is produced when surface of crystal quartz is bonded with vaporized, finely powdered pure gold. (which amplifies quartz's conductivity)This results in a brilliant blue crystal with iridescent rainbow flashes. Used in meditation to stimulate the throat chakra, enhancing communication, helps expressing inner emotions and intuition. Used to safeguard from psychological attacks. 

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

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Iris Symbolizes - Quick Reference

Iris symbolizes trust. 

Mythically, it is the

messenger of Hera and was 

actually hailed for bringing 

the rainbow to the sky. 

It portrays the importance of

friendship hailing the glory of

truth, friendship and trust.

Great gift for Friendship day.

Iris expresses hope, the last

to escape from Pandora's Box, helps man to look forward to a 

new day after all difficulties. 

(There are different interpretations for the meanings & uses of plants. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Jasmine Symbol - Quick Reference

Jasmine is associated with love, modesty, sensuality, attachment, amiability, nobility, grace and elegance. 

In Hinduism the Jasmine flower symbolizes divine hope. In Thailand it symbolizes motherhood. In China they are a symbol of feminine sweetness, kindness and beauty. The Jasmine is also the national flower of Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. As a girl's name, it comes from ancient Persian and means "gift from God." Sampaguita, a variety of jasmine, comes from Tagalog "sumpa kita," in English, "I promise you." Couples once exchanged sampaguita necklaces just as a today's couples give wedding rings. Jasmine penetrates the soul and opens up emotions. In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra used jasmine oil to seduce Anthony. It is still a favorite ingredient in perfumes all over the world. 

(There are different interpretations for the meanings & uses of plants. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Buffalo Totem - Quick Reference

Buffalo Symbol: Abundance and Fertility 

Lesson: Confidence to achieve goals. The American Buffalo or Bison is one of the most revered animal by Native Americans. It comes to those of independent spirit and with a connection to Mother Earth. Those who have a Buffalo totem must walk a sacred path, honoring without judgement. He will bring you strength of character and an independent spirit. Buffalo medicine teaches that abundance is present and that we are connected with every part of creation. Buffalo represents prayer, gratitude and praise. The Bull is associated with Taurus. If you were born between Dec 22 - Mar 20, the Buffalo is your Native American Directional Birth Totem. 

(Condensed highlights from volumes of info about animal totem characteristics. Hope you'll investigate further on your own)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Blue Topaz - Quick Reference

Blue Topaz
Activates: Throat Chakra
Birthstone: Sagittarius 

Blue Topaz is a soothing/calming stone. In meditation it gently opens the throat and third eye chakras, making communication easier and more effective. It can inspire and uplift promoting truth, honesty, openness and forgiveness.  Known as the stone of Jupiter, representing rule over one's own life, self-realization and wisdom. Physical uses: Fortifying the nerves-Improving digestion-Stimulating metabolism. 

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Hummingbird Totem - Quick Reference

Hummingbird Totem Symbolizes Sweetness & Joy. It radiates the colors of the rainbow. It's a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible. Hummingbird medicine is herbal; it shows us how to use flowers for healing. Hummingbirds ability to hover in one spot teaches us how to be still and focused no matter how active we are. Don't be fooled by their small frame and gentle nature, the hummingbird is a transformational creature. When the hummingbird visits we are reminded to appreciate the sweetness life offers or to "Stop & Smell the Roses". Regarded as a magical animal, the hummingbird makes a wonderful power animal. The hummingbird is remarkably long-lived, wise, hardworking and energetic. Hummingbird signifies remarkable powers of renewal and resurrection. 

(Condensed highlights from volumes of info about animal totem characteristics. Hope you'll investigate further on your own)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Lotus flower - Quick Reference

The Lotus flower basically symbolizes the clarity of heart as well as the mind. The Lotus flower represents strength, good luck, long life as well as honor and respect. Some scholars have even talked of the lotus flower being a universal representation of the spiritual presence in human lives. The lotus flower basically represents holiness, good wishes, purity and positive energy. According to the Indian culture the lotus flower denotes prosperity knowledge and learning, fruitfulness and illumination. In Egypt the lotus flower symbolized the sun as well as formation and revival. 

(There are different interpretations for the meanings & uses of plants. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Tulip - Quick Reference

The Tulip is the national flower of Iran and Turkey. In Persia, a red tulip was given to declare love. Tulips are symbolic of fame 
and perfect love. The symbolic meanings also change with the color of the tulips. They also mean eternal life and are heralds of spring. Along with crocuses and daffodils, tulips are the first flowers to blossom each year, sometimes while there is still snow on the ground nearby. In addition to their role as an excellent garden flower and long-lasting cut flower, tulips petals are actually edible. Tulips are used fresh rather than cooked and can be added to appetizers, salads and desserts. Tulips add color, texture and excitement to meals. 

(There are different interpretations for the meanings & uses of plants. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Ocean Jasper (Orbicular Jasper) - Quick Reference

Ocean Jasper (Orbicular Jasper)
Chakras: Solar plexus, Heart, & Throat

Energies: Power, Protection, Love 

OceanJasper is an unusual jasper found only at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar & can only be mined at low tide. The positive vibrations of make it a stone of joy. Stimulates solarplexuschakra - heartchakra & throatchakra . Helps one to express love in words and actions. Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace. This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings. 

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Malachite - Quick Reference

Zodiac:Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius 
Energies: Love, Money, Protection
Chakra:Fourth Chakra - Heart

It is believed to be a protector of children. Said to protect the wearer from accidents and protects travelers. Used to aid success in business. A stone of balance in relationships. Most malachite comes from Zaire, Chile and Australia. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used malachite for jewelry and ground it to use as eye shadow to protect against the evil eye. Malachite has been called the "mirror of the soul" and reminds us that we have a dual nature. To help get rid of nightmares, keep a piece of Malachite in your bedroom.

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Rabbit Totem - Quick Reference

Symbology of Rabbit: Love -Luck-Shyness-Speed -Growth-Rebirth-Creativity-Harmony-Family -Awareness-Perception-Abundance-Esoteric Knowledge-Fertility-Sentiment-Desire-Procreation 

It is linked to Springtime. Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, long family line. Symbolic of creativity & creation. The Buddha disguised as a hare, threw himself in a fire as sacrifice to the god Indra. His reward was to live an eternal life as the moon. Rabbits & Easter symbolize sacrifice, redemption, and resurrection. Native American folklore, Manabozho is a trickster a shape-shifter & helps to spawn creation. The fourth animal in the Chinese Zodiac. Those born under the sign of the rabbit are conservative, friendly, and deeply compassionate. They are creative and active and avoid conflict. 

(Condensed highlights from volumes of info about animal totem characteristics. Hope you'll investigate further on your own)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Elk Totem - Quick Reference

Elk Meanings: 

Strength, endurance,

cooperation, protective, 


As a totem the elk represents

strength and community. 

If you hear the elk bugle ask 

yourself if you are ready to 

recognize a mate. The sound 

can also indicate it is time to 

consider having children or adding another member to your 

family. As a totem elk teaches the importance of community 

and caring for others. Elk in general represents endurance. 

Elk totem will show up when you are feeling tired or weak 

and could use an energetic boost. 

(Condensed highlights from volumes of info about animal totem characteristics. Hope you'll investigate further on your own)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Mangano Calcite - Quick Reference

Mangano calcite is a heart crystal, a stone of forgiveness and unconditional love. 
Chakras: Causal, Crown, Heart
Zodiac: Capricorn

Helps release fear and grief from the past, 
Assists in developing self-worth and self-acceptance, 
Heals nervous conditions, 
Lifts tension and anxiety, 
Prevents nightmares, 
Dissolves resistance, 
Eases and heals the heart chakra. 

It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. Physically, pink manganocalcite is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart issues, Helps to alleviate fear.

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Love abides in all of us...

Let LOVE proceed you 

and may all those that

you meet 

be ITS mirror.

Now is were the flow is...

Now is: moment by moment, 
breath by breath 

and thought by thought.
Grateful for the gift within 

the Now...

the ability to let the past and 

the future go 

and live in the Flow!

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.