Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Excerpt from: The Book of Awakening, Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nipo

The Ordinary Art 
Before fixing what you're looking at, check what you're looking through.

It was a beautiful sun-filled day. I had driven 300 miles to see her. She was ninety-four and had been in one room for close to eight months.  I was her first-born grandson and she was so happy to see me. But after catching up, we sat in silence on the edge of her bed, and finally, she complained how gray a day it was.

I realized then that her one window hadn't been cleaned in almost a year. When I said this, she chuckled, as only someone ninety-four can, and uttered with her Russian accent, "Got dirty eye, see a dirty world."

It is the same with our minds and hearts.  For our very self if the window we have into this life. And so often, we suffer the mood of dirty window, believing the brilliant world gray.

Perhaps the purpose of authentic relationship is to help each other keep our minds and hearts clear. Perhaps inner work is the ordinary art of window washing, so that the day is fully the day.

When we cleanse our "dirty eyes" our vision opens and the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


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